About Pet Cages

Tuesday, May 29, 2012 0 comments
Placing animals in cages is generally considered to be a cruel thing, but many people who do not own pets do not know that some animals do not suffer as a direct result of living in a cage, or spending most of its time in a cage. Pet lovers everywhere are looking for better ways to provide a home for their beloved pets, it is the pet owner that is the party which is most interested in its pets comfort and will also go through many difficulties in supplying the best home he can find, build or buy.

This is mostly true when talking about owners of pets who are generally considered dangerous, like snakes and other reptiles, these are animals that you would want to keep away from your living room and on the same time some people love these kind of animals and enjoy watching them grow and live their lives. The solution is a pet cage that will provide security for the pet owner and his family and in the same time give the animal a spacious place to live and spend most of its time.

The pet cages are just a modern version of the animal cage that humans used many years ago to hold their wild animals, after a while these became the domesticated animals and most of them were released out of the cages because of the relationship between the animals and the humans, dogs and cats are an excellent example of animals who were first placed in cages and afterwards granted the freedom of movement which relayed heavily on the connection between pet and owner.

Some pet owners will tell you that some pets like to have a place of their own, a well placed cage can take care of the natural need for a secure space, and the pet cage can also work well in many cases in which the owner needs to transfer the pet to some other location, sometime to a visit to the veterinarian, a flight or while moving to a different house. The great advantage in having a pet that is used to its pet cage is that no matter where you place the pet it will always feel at home if it has the cage nearby.

Deciding on what kind of pet cage you want is sometimes the hardest decision, it is naturally dependent on the kind of pet you have or want to keep in the cage, from rabbits for iguanas, the sort of cage, material and build is completely different. When looking for a pet cage to buy you should always talk to a veterinarian first, and make sure you know what kind of space the animal needs and what will be the health issues you will need to address.

If you are building your pet cage you will probably need to look for good design plans and talk to owners of pets that use all kinds of different cages, you will be amazed at how much information is available on the internet and how much help some people will be willing to offer, all you need to do is try and contact your fellow pet owners.

Simon Oldmann is an avid pet lover, now living in the countryside he setup a dog kennel for his dogs and other features for his many pets, Simon currently writes tips and advice on Pet Cage planning, designing setup and buying

Be Kind to Pets and Animals

Friday, May 25, 2012 0 comments
This article topic was in The Record News EMC. The article topic was based on this time of the year, Christmas as a time of faith. Christmas seems to inspire people on Christmas eve to return to their roots of faith, beliefs and in some cases your religion. This is the time of the year where people tend to be more kind, considerate and thoughtful to as they say mankind and now to think of animals as well. Animals deserve kindness, love and faithfulness as well as humans and they deserve it sometime more than others. They cannot speak out and say what they need as a person and they have no one to look out for them either.

You hear of so much cruelty with animals now where people take out how they feel on their pets or animals. If they loose patience with their own situation, stress, home life, job, relatives then it is their pet who seems to take the brunt of their owner's feelings. It seems that a person will reach a limit to what they can deal with and then the pet will maybe the cause of the spark that sets off those feelings. They seem to be the ones that will suffer for whatever other situations are happening then the pet will take the main stay of the problems.

There is a large fear now in animal shelters that with the economic situation the way it is with the job losses rising, cost of living, layoffs, wage cuts and in Ottawa the OC transport strike that there will be more cruelty on the rise for pets. The shelters fear there will be more abandoned animals, more pets given up and more left to starve as the economic crises rises so will the number of pets that end up at the shelter. It seem that people may not be able to afford to keep their pets when they have a hard time trying to feed their families, keep ahead of bills etc if they have no income. This same economic crises means there will be no extra to feed that favorite stray animal, take that stray animal in to care for or aid. This is the main thought that people will not be able to add that extra support for their own pet or aid the lovable stray because they will have to hard a time trying to keep themselves above water.

The shelters fear that more and more pets will end up there either as strays, abandoned pets or pets given up because they can no longer be cared for at home. This means the shelters could be over run with even more pets but also the fact that there will not be as many people to adopt these pets because they cannot afford to even think about taking on another mouth. The only thing that will help with pets given up to shelters in this economic crises is that the pet maybe safe from abuse in the home if the home is suffering from stress of tough situations.

The hope is that people will not take their hurt feelings out on their pets and love them as part of the family not as another burden to feed. Pets cannot help the economic situation and should not be made to feel that what their owner is suffering from is there fault. Pets only know to give unconditional love and should not be abused or mistreated because of this. The worse thing to see on an animals face is the look of wondering what they ever did to deserve such treatment when all they did was love you.
I only hope everyone will take hope to get through a tough situation and treat there pets with love and kindness as the themselves the pet owner would like to be treated.

This article has a poem which I will place here written by Albert Schweitzer which is a great time of the year to inspire everyone now.


Hear our humble prayer,

O God, for our friends the animals,

especially for animals who are suffering;

for animals that are overworked, underfed and cruelly treated;

for all wistful creatures in captivity that beat their wings against bars;

for any that are hunted or lost or deserted or frightened or hungry;

for all that must be put to death.

We entreat for them all

Thy mercy and pity,

and for those who deal with them we ask a heart of compassion

and gentle hands and kindly words.

Make us, ourselves, to be true friends to animals,

and so to share the blessings of the merciful.

Christmas is a time to look ahead at what can be achieved to help the animals that have no home, have known no love and deserve both. Break the cruelty to animals so others will learn that it is no way to treat an animal.

Tips on Owning Small Animal Pets

Monday, May 21, 2012 2 comments
Small pets such as hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, and rats are intelligent, curious and easy for a child to care for when properly taught. With proper care they can provide several years of
companionship for the child. They are lively and fun to watch but remember when handling they can be quick movers and get lost in a moment.

You can find many books and pamphlets with information on how to care for the small animal pet. You will need a cage or proper habitat for confinement and room to play and located away from drafts or dampness. The cage should not be exposed to direct sunlight since small animals do not tolerate high temperatures.

Provide the right material for nesting and burrowing. Shavings that are free of additives, chemicals, preservatives and dust as small animals have sensitive lungs which predisposes them to respiratory infections. Cedar shavings have a natural oil that repels unwanted pests. Clean shavings at least every two days and be sure to remove all soiled shavings and waste products. Clean the cage pan thoroughly once a week and throw out all shavings and put in new.

The pet may contaminate it's water by flinging his bedding while burrowing or digging. Using a water bottle attached to side of cage is recommended. Provide fresh water daily. Small animals usually eat the same type of food but have different nutritional needs. Check with your Veterinarian to ensure your pet is getting the needed vitamins and minerals. Small pets tend to hoard their vegetables so be sure to remove uneaten veggies which could spoil if left hidden away.

Give your pet time to adjust to you and the new surroundings before handling it. Never pickup a rabbit by the ears or gerbils, hamsters, and mice by the tail. Educate the child on proper ways to handle the small pet and make sure they understand the importance of taking care of their new pet.

Again you can find many books on how to care for your pet or check with your Veterinarian on proper care of the pet.

Some small animals live well in groups while others do better being alone. Check a professional on how your pet should be housed. Don't put males and females together otherwise you will end up with many more pets. Rabbits and guinea pigs can be bathed in a mild baby shampoo. After a shampoo pets should be dried as quickly as possible so it doesn't get chilled. Soft brushes such as those made for cats can be used on the small animal pet. Be sure to check your pet on a regular basis for fleas, mites, and ticks